Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 19! Oct 23-29

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Here is this weeks update! Everyone who guess a girl (which was the majority) you were spot on :)

The baby's brain is developing its senses this week. The baby can hear our voices now so we will start reading aloud and talk to her. She is developing a waxy protecting coating to help her skin from pickling in the amniotic fluid.  She weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and about 6 inches long.

How far along? 19 weeks

Baby Size of a: Mango

Total Weight Gain: Waiting until next appointment because I think my scale is off.

Maternity Clothes? Everything is maternity now.

Stretch marks? Sadly I'm starting to get little ones on the outside of my right leg. I got them there with Kohlton's pregnancy too.

Sleep? Pretty good, just get uncomfortable very easily.

Best moment this week? We had quite a few! First I've had lots of movements from our little one, especially during church on Sunday. We got our car seat on Monday and Tuesday morning we found out what we are having.

Miss Anything? Absolutely Nothing!!!

Movement? Lots more making it hard to concentrate sometimes. Right now for example, moving like crazy.

Cravings? Kit Kats(which I normally hate) Mint chip ice cream, and pickles. None of these are together in any form :)

Sick? Nope!

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!

Labor Signs? Nope

Symptoms? Feeling pretty good. I did have a headache about all weekend but that was cleared once I went to the chiropractor on Monday morning.

Belly Button in or out? Same as last week still 3/4 the way out.

Wedding ring on or off? Mostly on but sometimes my fingers hurt so it comes off.

Happy or Moody most of the time? I found myself in a pretty good mood this week.

Looking forward to? Buying PINK and figuring out a name :)

She was looking great at the ultrasound measuring right on track! She was very busy during and moved quite a bit. We didn't find out until the very end  of the appointment because the lady couldn't get a great picture for evidence. Finally got one tho.  We are so very happy! Now just have to get our little two bedroom apartment ready for another lady :)

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