Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 17! Oct 9-15

This week the baby is about the size of an onion.  The baby is about 5.1 inches long and weighs roughly around 5.9 ounces.

How far Along? 17 weeks

Baby the size of: an onion

Total Weight Gain: I've gained two pounds this week, which is a grand total of about 7  pounds so far.

Maternity Clothes: Officially  having to switch to maternity jeans. My regular jeans are getting way too snug. I'm still in most of my regular t-shirts but all of my nice shirts are maternity.

Stretch marks? No new ones

Sleep? Still sleeping okay. Tho the other night was a little harder because baby felt the need to start moving.

Best moment this week? I had my doctors appointment and since Chris was working, Kohlton got to come along with me. He got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time and thought it was pretty cool.

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and back as well as a medium rare steak. A well done steak just doesn't cut it for me.

Movement?  Oh ya the baby is moving like crazy.

Food Cravings? I really haven't had any cravings this past week, which actually really surprises me.

Anything make you sick/queasy? Not this week, which surprises me as well. 

Started Showing Yet? Oh ya!

Gender? We'll find out on the 29th of October.

Symptoms? I've still had a little bit of nausea and a few headaches. But other than that I feel pretty normal, which is wonderful!

Labor Pains? Nope!

Belly Button in or Out: Half in half out

Wedding Ring on or off? On

Happy or Moody? I felt pretty normal this week and happy!

Looking forward to?  Finding out the gender.

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday the 15th. The doctor said everything is looking great. When she listened to the baby, he/she showed off a little and then decided that he/she was done and moved away. It took the doctor a few minutes to find the baby again and his/her heart was beating at around 150. 

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