Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 18 Oct. 16-22

Well I just finished the 18th week of pregnancy:) The baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and almost 7 ounces now. The baby is flexing his/her arms and legs which is helping me feel him/her.

How far along? 18 weeks

How big is baby? about the size of a sweet potato

Total Weight Gain? I forgot to weigh myself this morning so I'm not quite sure.

Maternity Clothes? Oh ya almost everything I have is now maternity.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones

Sleep? Amazingly! This last weekend I've been favoring my left side sleeping, which is great because they say left side is best blood flow.

Best moment this week? We got our car seat ordered!  :)  Now I'm just trying to be patient while I wait for it to come.

Miss Anything? Sadly, Alcohol! We went out to eat with some friends and their margaritas looked amazing.  But, I always craved them when I was pregnant with my son.

Movement? Oh ya! The baby has been pushing right up against me tot he point where I have to push him/her back so it doesn't hurt anymore. But, it makes me happy at the same time because I know the baby is okay.

Food Cravings? Crab Ragoons! :) Still!

Anything make you sick? Nothing this week!

Gender? Find out next week!

Labor Signs? Nope!

Symptoms? I've been having headaches and some stomach pains from the baby pushing on me. My back pain has gotten better which I'm truly grateful for at the moment!

 Belly Button in or out? This week it has progressed to 3/4 the way out .

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? A little of both this week! But mostly happy tho, I think. lol

Looking forward to? Finding out if we are going to be having a sweet little girl or a handsome little boy! This week is the week!!!  :)

This weekend we got the pleasure of spending time at Chris' dad's house for about 3 days.  Kohlton did amazing! He slept through every night we were there no problem.  We drove down on Thursday and went out for Chinese.

 That night Chris told Kohlton that first ting Friday morning we could put up Grandpas electric train and first thing Friday morning Kohlton asked about the train, even before he asked for his morning milk.

Friday Chris spent the day cleaning out some of his stuff in his room and washing the car.  Then Friday night we went out with some friends to a Mexican restaurant. It was so much fun.  Saturday Chris and his dad spent most of the day cleaning out his garage, transforming it back into a garage.  While they were doing that Kohlton and I played outside for a little while in the leaves. We finally got to use the garden tool set that Uncle Danny and Auntie Carley got him for his birthday. 

 Later, we went to Fort Dodge and went to a apple orchard. We got lots of yummy things. Then Saturday night we went out to a friends house and we got to try some of his homemade root beer. It was delicious!!! We had chili dogs and french fries which I thought would be nauseating but was actually pretty good.  Sunday we ate breakfast and then headed home but first stopped at the orchard again to pick up some last minute things for later. Delicious apples, apple cider, beef sticks, and beef jerky.  We had almost made it home when I looked in the back seat and this is what I found.

He didn't quite make it home. By the way, he has on no pants because on the way home he leaked through them.  :)   We had such a great weekend with "papa". 

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