Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 16!

So I know this is a little late and I'm technically almost 17 weeks but I'm going to post it anyway.  

This week the baby is the size of an onion measuring in at about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. (These are rough estimates). The baby's bone are starting to form into hard bone instead of the soft cartilage that he/she currently has. The baby is also starting to gain some weight almost doubling in the past week. 

How far along: 16 weeks

Baby is the size of: an avocado

Total Weight gain: I haven't gained anything over the past week so I'm still at about 5 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: All of my pants are officially starting to get a little to tight so I did a little shopping this last weekend.  I'm super excited because I'm a pretty picky shopper and don't enjoy it much but I found a pair of maternity jeans, two long sleeve shirts, and a maternity Cami at Kohls. The part that made me most excited was that my mom let me use her 30% off coupon and only paid $40 for everything. That completely made my week. 

Stretch Marks? No new ones

Sleep? Slept much better this week. We had a busy weekend so that helped me sleep, I think. 

Best Moment this week? Well I had two: The first one was that I got to see my family. It had been nearly two months and they drove up to see us.  The second was that I started to feel the baby. It's super exciting and can't wait until I feel the baby more and more. 

Miss anything? I know it's not very healthy in the first place but this week I had a craving for cookie dough.  So I'm kinda missing that at the current moment. 

Movement? I did feel the baby this week. Almost everyday but I'm not completely sure of course. I know I felt him/her last Monday and Tuesday but I'm keeping track just to make sure. This was about the time I felt my son so I figured it would happen about the same time. 

Food Cravings? I had a huge craving this week for Chinese specifically crab ragoons. The place that we love makes the best crab ragoons that are mostly cream cheese. When I got them I ate all mine and then proceeded to watch my husband eat his hoping he would give me one. No such luck.  :) 

Anything make you queasy or sick?  My son loves hot dogs and I'm having trouble cutting them up since they make me queasy. Also anything fried... driving by a fast food restaurant is really hard.

Have you started showing yet? Oh Yes!

Gender? We'll find out at the end of October but I have a feeling its a girl. ( I also have a poll on the blog so please let me know what you think its going to be) 

Symptoms?  I'm still having a little bit of nausea but that is getting much better. I'm also having a little bit of lower back pain. But I've gotten most of motivation back which my husband is pretty excited about. 

Labor signs? Nope! 

Belly Button in or out? Still half and half

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? This week I feel like I was pretty happy but I'm sure my husband would tell you different. HaHa!

Looking forward to? I'm looking forward to feeling the baby more and finding out if we are having another boy or a little girl.  I also have another appointment tomorrow so I'm excited to get to hear baby's heartbeat.  

This weekend was super busy with my family coming up to visit. We had such a great time tho. We went to a pumpkin patch and granite it was super super cold, Kohlton got his first pony ride. He was a little scared at first but got used to it.  I think my favorite part was when we were looking at the other animals and all the sudden he sees the ponies. He starts running to them screaming "Cow, Cow"... haha it was the cutest thing ever.

Kohlton going on his first pony ride

Kohlton also loved pushing around his little wheelbarrow adding what ever he could get his hands on.
I hope you all had a great week and have a great coming week. Thanks for reading my blog!

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