Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 20! Oct. 30- Nov. 5

Baby Girl weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now and about 6 1/2 from head to bottom. She is swallowing a lot more these days which is great for her digestive system. We are officially half way to getting to meet this beautiful little girl!!

How far along? 20 Weeks!  Half Way There!!!

Baby is the size of a: Banana

Total Weight Gain? I'm thinking around 10-12 pounds. But I have an appointment in a few weeks so we'll see for sure.

Maternity clothes: Yep, even my sweatpants are starting to get tight.

Stretch marks? just the small ones on the side of my legs

Sleep? Okay! I find that I'm awake for about 2 hours in the middle of the night for no good reason.

Best Moment this week?  We got our first baby girl shirt that I ordered about 2 weeks before we found out it was a girl, which was even more exciting since I was right :)

Miss Anything? No, not that I can think of.

Movement: A Ton!!!

Cravings? Salads and sweet tarts. (not together)

Sick? Nope I'm feeling fantastic

Gender: GIRL!!

Labor Signs: Yes :( I started having back pain early in the night and then evetually moved into severe contractions that brought me to my knees, eventually they quite. I called the doctor the next morning and the doctor said to just make sure I still feel her through out the day.

Symptoms: I've been feeling great. I've had a few headaches but they always go away pretty quickly.

Belly Button in or out? Officially out.

Wedding Ring on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time? I've been a little of both this week.

Looking forward to? Chris getting to feel the baby :)


This year Kohlton was James the Tank Engine.  He did get a little scared this year.  When we went to trunk or treat at church he wasn't a huge fan of the people dressed like witches and there was a broom that moved around the area and scared him a ton.

Sorry its not a very good picture.

Scared of the broom rolling around near by.

Kohlton got to play pumpkin bowling. He had so much fun.

Happy Halloween everyone!
This is Kohlton's friend Katelyn, she was dressed as a witch. Cutest witch I've ever seen :)

Kohlton loves to help mommy with the cleaning. He also reminds me all the time.
 We also went trick or treating on Halloween night around Chris' boss's neighborhood. Kohlton did  a great job and was so excited. He said bye to every house when we left. We went around the neighborhood for about 40 minutes and it was starting to get a little to cold. But he got a lot of candy:)

Can't hardly wait to dig into his special treats.

 Chris was sweet enough to switch nights with someone so he was able to go trick or treating with us so instead of Kohlton and mommy date night on Thursday night we had it Friday night instead.  We started the night off with Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Surprisingly Kohlton loved the tomato soup but didn't eat much of his grilled cheese. Silly boy. We then watched a movie together. I love Kohlton mommy date nights, soon it will be Kohlton, baby sister, mommy date night.

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