Friday, December 6, 2013

21-25 Weeks

Wow! I can't believe its been about a month since I updated out blog. Its been a super crazy busy month and I'm going to summarize everything.

As for baby girl she is about 13 1/2 inches long and weighs about a pound and a half, about the size of a rutabaga or head of cauliflower.  She is starting to look more like a newborn due to her skin smoothing out and she is starting to add on some baby fat.

How far along? 25 weeks

Size of the baby? Rutabaga or head of cauliflower

Total Weight gain: I've been gaining about a pound a week. So I'm guessing around 15 pounds so far.

Maternity clothes? Absolutely!!! 

Stretch marks? No new ones but the old ones are starting to appear more so its hello Cocoa Butter :)

Sleep? Its much harder to get comfortable. I've had to start putting a pillow under my belly so that my ribs aren't killing me by morning. 

Best moment these last few weeks? Chris got to feel our baby girl as well as the rest of my family.

Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach and back (which I never thought I would say). I've also missed getting a full nights sleep. There are lots of potty breaks in middle of the night.

Movement? When is she not moving is the question. She is a sweetheart tho and doesn't move during the night when I'm sleeping.

Cravings? The last few day its been fruit such as apples, bananas, and clementines. I'm trying to eat everything I won't be able to eat if I have gestational diabetes again.

Sick? Some, mostly when I'm traveling tho.

Labor signs? Nope

Symptoms? I learned that I can't eat mushrooms because they give me horrible cramps, which is very sad because I love mushrooms.

Belly button in or out.? Its out. You can see it through most of my clothes.

Wedding Ring on or off? Mostly on!

Happy or Moody? Both over the past few weeks.

Looking forward to? Our last Christmas as a family of three. We are staying at home to enjoy each others company. We plan to start making our own family traditions :)

Summary of the past month: 

Well I had an appointment on the 19th of November and everything looked great. Her heart was beating right along at about 150 beats per minute. I gained about 4 pounds in a little over a months time so I'm doing great. I hot my next appointment set up for December 17 which is when I get to take that wonderful glucose test. Yay! NOT!!  I'm so worried I'm going to fail like I did with Kohlton but at the same time I know this is better for baby girl.

Kohlton and I took a trip to Pella to spend time with my family for the holidays.  We were there for 11 days and they were jammed packed with family time, seeing friends, and  holiday things. The first Thursday, Kohlton went and spent sometime with our friends Emma and Ella for the day, while I went to see my sister sing in Ames.  It was a long exhausting day but I had a great time and I know Kohlton had a great time playing with Emma and Ella :) Friday we spent trying to recover from our two very busy days. Saturday we hung out at my parents house then had a Thanksgiving that night. Kohlton had a great time running around with his cousins.

Sunday we went to church and then I spent a few hours at night going out to eat with my girl friends. It was so great to see them all.  Monday Kohlton and I spent the morning with my friend Kristin and her children. Then Monday night we had a house warming party for my friend:) Tuesday we went to see my grandparents and then went to the chiropractor for Kohlton. He had been up most nights so I thought hey he hasn't been adjusted since August I'll take him in. It was then that night that I found he was pushing though his two year old molars. He had one through and another one in the process of breaking the skin. 
Kohlton building blocks with Grandma

Wednesday my friend, Heather, and her girls came over to play in the morning and then Uncle Danny and Aunt Carley came home Wednesday night when we went to church.  Thursday we spent time at home. Kohlton got to help Grandpa and Uncle Danny work on putting grandpa's barn up. It was super cute. He even got to drive the tractor around. 
He looks so grown up!

These are the overall I wore when I was little. :)

He had so much fun helping!

:) I'm not sure if you can tell but he is wearing socks on his hands. For the life of me I couldn't find his mittens.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner at night followed by the Farming Game. Bright and Early Friday morning we went black Friday shopping.  I've worked in retail so I always avoided Black Friday but this was the first year I got to go with family so I went. I was exhausted by the end but still had a great time. I got a few Christmas presents for Kohlton and some much needed pillows for our apartment.  Saturday we had our Christmas on the Nunnikhoven side at night since Grandpa and Grandma leave for Arizona.  We had a ton of fun. Our last day there was Sunday, we went to church, packed our car and came home. but right before we left Grandpa and Grandma gave Kohlton a Christmas present because they thought he needed it before the new year began.
They gave him Santa's Little Helper pajamas.

Kohlton is helping daddy make muffins:)

Kohlton and I were so excited to see Chris.  Kohlton was pretty much attached to him for a few days after. lol 

So I think that wraps up our month.  I plan to keep this updated from now on since I'm not going anywhere for awhile now :) 

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