Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week 26!

Baby girl is about 14 inches long and weighs about 1 2/3 pounds. Her ears are so much more sensitive to the point where she can hear both my voice as well as Chris and Kohlton's voice.

How far along? 26 weeks

Size of baby girl? about the size of a head of lettuce.

Total Weight Gain: about 17 pounds (sadly 8 pounds since November 19)

Maternity Clothes? Yes everything I wear is now maternity.

Stretch Marks? Still no new ones. I'm making sure that I'm putting on lotion all the time.

Sleep? So much harder this last week. I can't get comfortable and once I do I have to get up to go to the bathroom or Kohlton wakes up or Baby starts moving. 

Best Moment this week? We put up our Christmas tree and have been enjoying watching lots of Christmas movies. Also Kohlton got to feel her. We were sitting on the couch watching cartoons and she kicked him. I said did you feel her and he looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said YA :)

Miss Anything? Cookie dough again... the only reason for this is because Chris ate one right in front of me.  I also really miss sleeping.

Movement? All the Time!!!  Most of the time when I'm trying to sleep.. lol... She has also had some very powerful gabs that really hurt!

Cravings? Well with Kohlton's pregnancy I had gestational diabetes so I was craving everything that I know I'm not going to be able to have.  So over the last week I've been eating a lot of bread, apples, bananas, ice cream, and chocolate.

Sick? Nope not at all :)

Labor signs? Nope!

Symptoms?  I'm having lots of back pain, also having leg cramps in the middle of the night, and I'm not sleeping at all.. I've had to take a nap most days and can't keep my eyes open past 9 pm.

Belly Button In or Out? Out.

Wedding Ring on or off? I've taken it off. Its starting to get a little tight so I've put it on a necklace to wear.

Happy or Moody? I've been both. 

Looking forward to? Christmas. We don't have plans to go anywhere so we are going to stay at home and spend time together as a family. 

This last week Summary! 

  This last week Chris took half a weeks vacation just to hang out with Kohlton and me. It was really nice to have him home so we got lots of things done. We moved things around to fit some of baby girl's things in, which has me really excited to start organizing.  I also had my one hour glucose test on Tuesday December 17 and didn't pass, which is what I was expecting since I had gestational diabetes with Kohlton's pregnancy.  So I have my 3 hour test on Friday December 20.  I'm not excited for it at all but I need to look on the bright side that its 3 hours of peace and quiet with no Kohlton yelling "mom" at me. lol I'm sure I'll miss him like crazy but I plan to hopefully get a lot done during those three hours you know in between getting my blood drawn.

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