Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 27-29!

Baby Girl is about 2 1/2 pounds in weight and 15 inches long from head to toes. Baby Girls muscles and lungs are maturing and her head is growing bigger to hold that very important developing brain.

How Far Along? 27-29 weeks

Size of Baby: at about 29 weeks is the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight gain: around 20 pounds ( I gained only 2 pounds in the last week)

Maternity Clothes: Yep everything I'm wearing is maternity.

Stretch Marks: I'm starting to get a few on my sides. I had them with Kohlton's pregnancy but they are starting to reappear again.

Sleep: Its getting more and more difficult, between getting up to use the restroom all the time, getting uncomfortable, and getting my horrible leg cramps, I don't sleep for more than an hour or two.

Best moment these few weeks? We got to go spend some time with my family in Leighton, where we got to celebrate Christmas, see a few friends, and we went sledding (well Kohlton went sledding)

Miss Anything? I miss pretty much everything. I really have to watch what I eat now.

Movement? All the time, most of the time its to the point where I have to push her back in.  Kohlton also asks a lot to feel her. He says "Feel Her"

Cravings? My biggest craving I had was for a burger and when I got it, it was the most amazing burger I've ever had in my whole life.

Sick: Nope!

Labor Pains: Nope!

Symptoms? I'm having tons of leg cramps in the middle of the night. I also feel huge. I'm officially up to my weight I was with Kohlton just before I had him.  I'm also carrying her much lower so I know I have a waddle and sometimes I forget I have a bigger belly so i tend to bump into things more often.  I get uncomfortable very quickly and I'm getting a lot of dry skin.

Belly Button In or Out? Out

Wedding Ring On or Off? Off: I have to wear it on my necklace.

Happy or Moody? Both!

Looking forward to: Getting the apartment ready for baby girl. Also I'm looking forward to enjoying extra quality time with Chris and Kohlton.

Summary of the past few weeks:

We got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas just the three of us this year! It was really nice to sit  around and be lazy for a day just as a family. We spent the day watching tv and playing with Kohlton. At night we watched Turbo and ate popcorn.

I also had my 2nd glucose test where sadly I didn't pass again, but the bright side was that I made it completely through the 3 hours with out have to get sick. I went to a diabetes meeting just to freshen up on the information and then got started. This time around has been much harder than it was with Kohlton's pregnancy. I have to watch what carbs I eat even more closely than I did with Kohlton. Its been making me quite frustrated with trying to figure out what foods are going to spike my blood sugar and what foods won't. I've figured out that I can't eat the same breakfast every morning, after about  mornings that food will spike my sugar.

So Chris took vacation from January 1-5 to spend Christmas with my family in Leighton. Little did we know that he would have a few days off before that.  We think Chris got food poisoning on Monday and was sick all day Tuesday. He finally felt a little better Tuesday night but didn't get his full appetite back until Sunday.

We spent the January 1-5 in Pella. Wednesday we had our annual New Years Day Party and had a blast.  Thursday we went out to eat at Checkerboard with a few friends from Indianola that we hadn't seen in awhile. Friday was a big day for me. I went out with my friend Heather to Des Moines to do a little shopping and have a mommy morning out. It was so much fun to spend time with her. Then I got home just in time to leave to go see my sister's school.  I know that she may be only 3 years younger than me but seeing her classroom made me even more aware that she is a grown up. Haha.  Saturday we spent the day with my family. We woke up and had our Christmas.  Kohlton was spoiled rotten. He got some tractors, clothes, books, a curious George and Thomas pillow cases (that Lexi made for him), Markers, matching game, and last but not least he got a toy vacuum. He played with it all the rest of the day.  We also went sledding. Well grandpa, aunt Carley, and Kohlton went sledding behind the 4-wheeler. Kohlton had a great time and was sad when he had to come inside but that didn't last long because he had a cool tractor and vacuum to play with. lol. 

Then I had my 30 week baby appointment yesterday and everything looked great!  I only gained 2 pounds over the last 3 weeks and baby was moving like crazy. lol

Now that the holidays are over I'll be able to keep this more updated :)
Opening Presents from Mommy and Daddy

Chris and Kohlton played video games while I read my book

Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpas

Kohlton had on so many layers that he could barely move. It was so funny!

Had a great time sledding with Auntie Carley

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