Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 30 January 8-14

Only 10 Weeks to Go!!! :) YAY!!! 

Well Baby Girl is about 15.7 inches long and weighs around 3 pounds! Her eyesight is continuing to develop tho even when she is born she will only be able to see things a few inches from her face.

How far along? 30 weeks!

Size of Baby: a large cabbage

Total Weight gain: Still around 20 ish pounds (since I have gestational diabetes again with this pregnancy, it has really cut down on how much weight I'm gaining to help with how big the baby gets as well.)

Maternity Clothes: Yep, everything

Stretch marks? All of my first pregnancy stretch marks are starting to reappear:( Sad day!

Sleep? This week I haven't had any leg cramps which has helped a ton with my sleeping. I do find tho that by the morning my sides are killing me because I switch between my left and right sides to sleep.

Best Moment this week? Kohlton walks up to me and puts his hand on my bell and says "Feel Her!" I say "Sorry hunny she is sleeping" "Sleeping Why?" It was so cute! He then proceeded to say nigh nigh and gave my belly a big hug!

Miss Anything? I don't think so.

Movement? Always! When do I not feel her is the real question!

Cravings? Popsicle! I found some that are only 4 carbs per popsicle! I'm completely head over heels in love with them.

Sick? Nope :)

Labor Pains: I think I've been having a few Braxton Hick Contractions! I know I say think because I don't remember having them with Kohlton's pregnancy. At first I thought she was just pushing super hard on me but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure they are Braxton Hicks!

Symptoms? I've been feeling pretty good! I'm just exhausted by the end of the day. I also find it hard to get up off the floor or even the couch!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Chris keeps making fun of me by saying my turkey is done:0 lol

Wedding Ring on or Off?  A little bit of both but currently off because its at the jewelers getting a good clean:)

Happy or Moody? Both!

Looking Forward to? having an appointment next week and getting ready for baby girl's arrival!

This weeks Summary:

Well we have had a very busy week!  On Tuesday evening Kohlton burned the end of his left thumb, which I'm so glad happened because it made me realize that we have an even bigger problem. Kohlton's left thumb doesn't go straight. At the top joint it just doesn't move after that. So I called the doctor Wednesday morning and we got in that afternoon. They said he had trigger finger and they couldn't do anything until he was a teenager and was done growing. But to be sure they sent us to a hand specialist. We had an appointment Thursday at 1 pm.  Turns out if they wait to correct it, Kohlton might lose full function in his thumb because the tendon will continue to tighten making his thumb nonfunctional.  So now my little baby has to have surgery! Its a super quick procedure where they just have to clip the tendon. But Kohlton will have to be under anesthesia.  We have the surgery scheduled for January 29th first thing in the morning!  Prayers are needed for our family! 

On a higher note: Chris and I got a date night! Monday night we went to Texas Roadhouse and enjoyed a delicious meal then we did a little shopping at Target. I wanted to do some walking to make me feel better!  Chris's boss and his wife were so nice to watch Kohlton for a couple hours!  Tuesday: We went to the mall to do some more walking but walking at the mall gets me in trouble at the same time. I found a cute little dress for baby girl:) oh well.

I'm pretty proud of myself to get this up so quickly since today is the first day of my 31st week! Only 9 more weeks to go :)  YAY!!!

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