Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 35: February 11-21, 2014

Well its crazy to think she is almost here.  It has been a long but at the same time fast 9 months.  

How Far Along? 36 weeks 2 days

Baby's Size: Honey Dew (measuring in at around 17.2-18.7 inches long and 4.2-5.8 pounds)

Total Weight Gain: I gained another 3 pounds these last two weeks so the total comes to 26 pounds. 

Stretch marks: I have gotten some new ones on my sides. 

Sleep: Its still really difficult. Now its more difficult to get up out of bed to go the the restroom. Its also pretty painful to switch sides in the middle of the night. 

Best moment this week. I had 4 non stress tests, an ultrasound, and my regular appointment.  I am really enjoying my non stress tests because not only do I get a little peace and quiet but I get to listen to baby girls heart beat for about an hour to two sometimes. I can never get enough of that.  Another fun moment this week was that my parents and sister came up to see us. Kohlton had a great time playing with them :) 

Miss Anything: Personally, at this point I'm missing pretty much everything. I miss my normal body, I haven't gotten used to sticking out so far and tend to hit my belly on things. I miss sleeping (which I know won't get better when she get here but at least I'll be comfortable.) I miss eating, with my gestational diabetes I'm rather limited to what I can and can not eat compared to what I was with Kohlton's pregnancy. It has almost made eating a chore and sometimes makes me not want to eat (obviously I do anyway for the sake of myself and my child) it has just gotten very boring and very bland. 

Movement: All the time, including in the middle of the night. Also if I talk to Chris in the middle of the night or when he gets up to go to work in the morning, she will hear our voices and wake up. It will take a little while for her to finally go back to sleep enough for me to go back to sleep as well. 

Cravings: I'm pretty much craving everything I can't have at this point. I'm really craving Pancheros and fruit ( which tend to drive up my sugars) 

Sick: Nope, not really 

Labor Pains: I've been having tons of contractions

Symptoms: I'm having contractions on a regular basis, my feet tend to swell sometimes, and it hurts to get up sometimes. I've also had bad acid reflux these last few weeks but nothing that a little sitting up and tums can't cure.  I also feel since Tuesday, baby girl has dropped. Its so much easier to breathe and I have more pressure on my lower back and hips :) She is gearing up to come but lets just hope she stays put until the beginning of March. 

Wedding Ring: Off

Belly Button: Out

Looking forward to? Meeting our little girl and enjoying these last few weeks as just a family of three. I plan to spend lots and lots of quality time together before everything gets crazy busy again. 

Summary of this week: 

   Well this week has been a pretty stressful week for our household. I had my first non stress test on Tuesday the 11th. When I go to a non stress test they hook me up to monitors to watch the baby's heart beat. They want to make sure that when she moves her heart rate goes up and when she isn't moving it goes down.  Basically what its like when we exercise and our heart rate goes up its exactly the same concept.  I have to go to these because my gestational diabetes is so much more all over the place than what it was with Kohlton's pregnancy. Anyway, during my first session they noticed that I was having a lot of contractions. As in they were a minute long and coming every 3-4 minutes. So they had me drink lots and lots of water and told me to take it super easy for at least the next week. At this point I was only 34 weeks and 6 days so they would have had to give me a shot to stop the labor, at 36 weeks they wouldn't stop the labor if she would decide to come.  So they pretty much put me on bed rest to make sure she didn't come. I stopped doing everything.  Hats off to my amazing husband who did everything (dishes, laundry, taking care of Kohlton when he got home, got me things when I needed them, cooked all our meals, and was just down right amazing). I had another NST on the 14th (Happy Valentines Day)! This one went much better than the first one. I was still having contractions every 9-13 minutes but still much better than every 3-4.  After I got back from that appointment I didn't leave the house again until Tuesday morning the 18th for my regular appointment. I had my ultrasound first to see about how big she was. I didn't get any good pictures because she is so tight in there now.  When I went in to my ultrasound I was 35 weeks 6 days, she was measuring in at about 36 weeks 5 days, weighing an estimate of 6 pounds 12 ounces (give or take a pound). Then I had my regular appointment following my ultrasound and she said everything was looking great. She also checked to see if I was dilated mainly because I asked since I was having so many contractions that last week. She didn't think I would be but sure enough I was already at 4 cm.! She said since I was 36 weeks she could come pretty much any day (hoping it wasn't on the 22nd since she was going to be out of town.  lol ) 

   I've had two more NSTs and they have looked fantastic.  I have also graduated from every two week appointment to every week now so my next appointment for both the doctor and the NST is this coming Tuesday! 

    Since baby girl can come any day we have everything ready to go so now all we have to do is relax and play the fun little game of waiting.  :) 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 32-34- January 22- February 11, 2014

Well baby girl weighs around 4 3/4 pound and measures in at around 18 inches long (according to

How far along: finishing up my 34th week of pregnancy... only 5 more weeks to go! YAY!!!

Baby's Size: about the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight Gain: I gained 3 pounds at my last appointment which brings in the total to about 23 pounds. Which is pretty much right on track with what I gained with Kohlton's pregnancy.

Stretch marks: Well apparently I've had lots more than I could see. haha!!! I basically can't see below my belly button and learned that there are some hiding below that point. haha.... Oh the joys of pregnancy.

Sleep: Much much more difficult. You can only sleep on your left and right side and by the morning  (between 3:30-5:30) my sides are so incredibly sore that I can't sleep anymore. I also find in the middle of the night that I'm up for about an hour or two because I can't shut my mind off. lol!!

Best Moment this week: I had my doctor's appointment on the 4th and my best friend and her family decided to come up and see us. They came up Friday night and we all went swimming in their hotel pool and had pizza. The kids had so much fun!! Even Kohlton with the glove on his hand that he had to wear. It took Kohlton a little while to finally get into the pool (they had a kiddy pool there) but once he did it was super hard to get him out. lol. Then on Saturday, Heather and I went out and got pedicures since well I can't really see my feet or even reach them very well. lol... Heather's husband did a great job of watching all 3 tired kids while we got our toes done :)

Miss Anything: At this point I'm missing a regular, healthy diet. Since I have Gestational Diabetes with this pregnancy again like I did with Kohlton's there is so much more that I can't eat. When I was pregnant with Kohlton the only thing I couldn't eat was cereal but this little girl is making it much more difficult. I can't have cereal, bread, pizza, pretty much any kinds of grains what so ever, and even fruit spikes my blood sugars. So in 5 ish weeks I will be eating tons of grains and fruit especially apples and bananas.

Movement: Always!! Sometimes it can get pretty painful too since she is running out of room. :)

Cravings: Cookie Dough! The best part about this is that my father in law and I were watching TV on Sunday and they were making cookie dough with applesauce instead of eggs so it can be eaten plain. So within the hour we had made a trip to get some supplies and made it. So so good. (yes its not something I should be eating with my GD). lol  I also crave pretty much everything I can't have: fruit, alcohol, deep dish pizza, Mexican, and a buffet of some kind or another :)

Sick: Nope not really. The only time I feel sick is when my blood sugar is to high and I need to do some exercise and/or drink some water.

Labor Pains: Lots and Lots of Braxton Hick contractions! I've learned that if I do to much during the day then I get even more.

Symptoms? I'm getting some acid reflex due to the baby growing and squishing everything inside, my feet are also getting swollen much quicker, and I find myself with lots of fatigue and I'm exhausted all the time. My sides are also falling asleep during the night making it difficult to sleep. ( I never had any of this with Kohlton's pregnancy so its all new and not cool for me)

Wedding ring on or off? Its on when I go out into public for the most part but when I'm at home I tend to take it off just because I'm washing my hands so much.

Happy or Moody: I've been a little of each...

Looking forward to:  Making our final preparations and baby girl getting here.

These last few weeks summaries:

I had my appointment on the 4th and everything looks great. I measured in at 35 weeks, so a week bigger but her heartbeat was great at around 150. The doctor had also given me two extra weeks to figure out my blood sugars and I was only over a few during those two weeks so that made her really happy. There was no talk of putting me on any kind of medications at this point which made me really happy.  But because my Gestational Diabetes is so much harder/more complicated that what it was with Kohlton's pregnancy, she is having me go to the hospital twice a week for Non Stress Tests. 
My first one is tomorrow (Tuesday the 11th). I'll be going in on Tuesdays and Fridays for the rest of my pregnancy. ( I set it up on Tuesdays and Fridays so that Chris can watch Kohlton on Tuesdays and I then only have to find a sitter for Fridays.)  Also to make sure she isn't getting too big they have set up an ultrasound for the 18th of this month. I'm super super excited to see her again and hoping to find out if she has hair or not so I can find some more bows or headbands :)  This week we also got our bags somewhat packed for that day,registered at the hospital, got the crib mostly ready, started organizing our room to make room for her, and got all of her clothes washed/dried/put away! It felt so good to get a few things off our checklist taken care of.  But I still have a few more things to accomplish before she gets here:
    1. Install our car seat (which we won't do until the very last minute) 
    2. Have a last date night with Chris because I know there won't be many of those in the future
    3. figure out who is going to watch Kohlton when that time comes
    4. Put some music onto my phone just for something to do during labor
    5. figure out what she is going to come home in :) 
    6. make a few freezer meals 
Not a ton to get done and all doable in the next 5 weeks.


Kohtlon's hand is healing wonderfully according to me of course. We have been using just a band aid and then Friday night we took it off to let it air out a little and haven't put it back on. He has his 2 week post surgery check up on Thursday. Hopefully the doctor thinks everything is healing well as well.  The surgery didn't slow him down a single bit. He is still super full of energy. We are also almost done with his ear infection medication as well. We gave it to him the first day, he took a nap, and woke up a completely different kid.  We have also started potty training just a little bit. We'll hopefully hit it hard this week and the next because we don't have much going on. He does a decent job of telling us but sometimes he is just wanting to play on the potty rather than actually go on the potty. That's a boy for you, I guess.  He has also graduated from taking a nearly 3 hour nap everyday to only taking about an hour to an hour and a half hour nap.  I'm just hoping when baby girl comes that I can get her to sleep at the same time but I think that may be wishful thinking. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Kohlton's Surgery and Recovery!

Well Kohlton's surgery went great! It didn't slow him down much at all actually.  Chris and I got up around 6:00 that morning to make sure everything was ready and all we had to do was get Kohlton up right before we left. We got Kohlton up at about 6:25 and was out of the apartment by 6:35.  He was not very excited to be awake so early but was still very ready to go.  Right when we got to the clinic and after I filled out all of the paperwork they took us to a kids room, which was really nice. It was farmyard themed and there were a few toys in there for him to play with. They had us change him into his hospital gown and some socks.
Our little patient is ready to go!
This is what Kohlton's thumb looked like before surgery

They later came in to get his vitals and what not. The doctors and nurses were all very nice and Kohlton wasn't afraid of them at all. The nurse came in and gave him something so that he would be kinda loopy so it would be as scary leaving us when it was time for him to go.  After they gave him the medicine he calmed down and it was kinda funny because he was acting silly. He could barely walk and was talking funny.

Finally they came and got him. I'm so grateful at that point that our pastor came to sit with us. He really helped me keep my mind off of what was actually happening.  The doctor came back to get us to let us know how everything went. He said everything went great and then gave us instructions on how to treat the wound and what not. We then proceeded back to the waiting area to wait for Kohlton to come out of anesthesia, we were told it could take 10 minutes to an hour all depending on how they were reacting to it. We got called within 5 minutes of sitting down. We were went back there we would hear Kohlton crying and a nurse was holding him in his diaper wrapped in a blanket. That was the first point of where I wanted to cry. I then took him and he tried to get the bandage off as well as the iv out of his other arm. I didn't realize how strong he was. haha.  He cried for nearly 30 minutes before we could get him calmed down.  He was extremely thirsty and hungry so we gave him apple juice/water, applesauce, a Popsicle, and part of a cookie. Of course he didn't eat all of that but he did drink about half a liter of liquids.  The first time he grabbed for his cup with is hand he just screamed. The nurse finally gave him Ibuprofen and that helped a ton. Finally he decided he was okay enough to go to daddy. 

They were watching Princess Sofia! haha...

The nurse came in to take out his IV. He did this very well :)

Even got his blood pressure taken! 
 After they did all this they gave him the okay to go home. We were home by around 10 that morning. Kohlton came home with two more stuffed animals ( a teddy bear and a tiger) and two new books for being such a brave little boy.

Once we got home he did a great job of keeping it elevated.
But since I have a little boy of course he was back to his normal self by about noon. Daddy was home so all he wanted to do was rough play :) lol... Which about gave me a heart attack every time because I didn't want him to hurt his hand obviously. 
After Kohlton took his nap he just wanted to curl up on the couch

or with Daddy!

And don't forget some Mommy cuddles!

If you can't tell Chris fell asleep (which never happens)
He is going to kill me when he sees I posted this lol

Kohlton was also spoiled and the other Sunday School teacher sent him some balloons
and Oreo cookies :) 

This is Kohlton moving his thumb the next morning :)      

A week after his surgery Kohlton is back to normal for the most part we still have a gauze bandage on his hand because he won't keep just a band-aid on it, which is fine with me since he is a little bit of a wild man. I had my doctor look at it yesterday at my appointment and she said it was looking good. So we go back to the surgeon on Feb. 13 for a two week checkup.  We did have to make a run to urgent care on Sunday because Kohlton had a double ear infection but other than that he is my normal happy little boy.

I want to thank you all for all of your thoughts and prayers as we went through this little journey. They were very much appreciated and we thank you.