Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 19! Oct 23-29

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week! Here is this weeks update! Everyone who guess a girl (which was the majority) you were spot on :)

The baby's brain is developing its senses this week. The baby can hear our voices now so we will start reading aloud and talk to her. She is developing a waxy protecting coating to help her skin from pickling in the amniotic fluid.  She weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and about 6 inches long.

How far along? 19 weeks

Baby Size of a: Mango

Total Weight Gain: Waiting until next appointment because I think my scale is off.

Maternity Clothes? Everything is maternity now.

Stretch marks? Sadly I'm starting to get little ones on the outside of my right leg. I got them there with Kohlton's pregnancy too.

Sleep? Pretty good, just get uncomfortable very easily.

Best moment this week? We had quite a few! First I've had lots of movements from our little one, especially during church on Sunday. We got our car seat on Monday and Tuesday morning we found out what we are having.

Miss Anything? Absolutely Nothing!!!

Movement? Lots more making it hard to concentrate sometimes. Right now for example, moving like crazy.

Cravings? Kit Kats(which I normally hate) Mint chip ice cream, and pickles. None of these are together in any form :)

Sick? Nope!

Gender: GIRL!!!!!!

Labor Signs? Nope

Symptoms? Feeling pretty good. I did have a headache about all weekend but that was cleared once I went to the chiropractor on Monday morning.

Belly Button in or out? Same as last week still 3/4 the way out.

Wedding ring on or off? Mostly on but sometimes my fingers hurt so it comes off.

Happy or Moody most of the time? I found myself in a pretty good mood this week.

Looking forward to? Buying PINK and figuring out a name :)

She was looking great at the ultrasound measuring right on track! She was very busy during and moved quite a bit. We didn't find out until the very end  of the appointment because the lady couldn't get a great picture for evidence. Finally got one tho.  We are so very happy! Now just have to get our little two bedroom apartment ready for another lady :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week 18 Oct. 16-22

Well I just finished the 18th week of pregnancy:) The baby is about 5 1/2 inches long and almost 7 ounces now. The baby is flexing his/her arms and legs which is helping me feel him/her.

How far along? 18 weeks

How big is baby? about the size of a sweet potato

Total Weight Gain? I forgot to weigh myself this morning so I'm not quite sure.

Maternity Clothes? Oh ya almost everything I have is now maternity.

Stretch marks? Still no new ones

Sleep? Amazingly! This last weekend I've been favoring my left side sleeping, which is great because they say left side is best blood flow.

Best moment this week? We got our car seat ordered!  :)  Now I'm just trying to be patient while I wait for it to come.

Miss Anything? Sadly, Alcohol! We went out to eat with some friends and their margaritas looked amazing.  But, I always craved them when I was pregnant with my son.

Movement? Oh ya! The baby has been pushing right up against me tot he point where I have to push him/her back so it doesn't hurt anymore. But, it makes me happy at the same time because I know the baby is okay.

Food Cravings? Crab Ragoons! :) Still!

Anything make you sick? Nothing this week!

Gender? Find out next week!

Labor Signs? Nope!

Symptoms? I've been having headaches and some stomach pains from the baby pushing on me. My back pain has gotten better which I'm truly grateful for at the moment!

 Belly Button in or out? This week it has progressed to 3/4 the way out .

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? A little of both this week! But mostly happy tho, I think. lol

Looking forward to? Finding out if we are going to be having a sweet little girl or a handsome little boy! This week is the week!!!  :)

This weekend we got the pleasure of spending time at Chris' dad's house for about 3 days.  Kohlton did amazing! He slept through every night we were there no problem.  We drove down on Thursday and went out for Chinese.

 That night Chris told Kohlton that first ting Friday morning we could put up Grandpas electric train and first thing Friday morning Kohlton asked about the train, even before he asked for his morning milk.

Friday Chris spent the day cleaning out some of his stuff in his room and washing the car.  Then Friday night we went out with some friends to a Mexican restaurant. It was so much fun.  Saturday Chris and his dad spent most of the day cleaning out his garage, transforming it back into a garage.  While they were doing that Kohlton and I played outside for a little while in the leaves. We finally got to use the garden tool set that Uncle Danny and Auntie Carley got him for his birthday. 

 Later, we went to Fort Dodge and went to a apple orchard. We got lots of yummy things. Then Saturday night we went out to a friends house and we got to try some of his homemade root beer. It was delicious!!! We had chili dogs and french fries which I thought would be nauseating but was actually pretty good.  Sunday we ate breakfast and then headed home but first stopped at the orchard again to pick up some last minute things for later. Delicious apples, apple cider, beef sticks, and beef jerky.  We had almost made it home when I looked in the back seat and this is what I found.

He didn't quite make it home. By the way, he has on no pants because on the way home he leaked through them.  :)   We had such a great weekend with "papa". 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 17! Oct 9-15

This week the baby is about the size of an onion.  The baby is about 5.1 inches long and weighs roughly around 5.9 ounces.

How far Along? 17 weeks

Baby the size of: an onion

Total Weight Gain: I've gained two pounds this week, which is a grand total of about 7  pounds so far.

Maternity Clothes: Officially  having to switch to maternity jeans. My regular jeans are getting way too snug. I'm still in most of my regular t-shirts but all of my nice shirts are maternity.

Stretch marks? No new ones

Sleep? Still sleeping okay. Tho the other night was a little harder because baby felt the need to start moving.

Best moment this week? I had my doctors appointment and since Chris was working, Kohlton got to come along with me. He got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time and thought it was pretty cool.

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach and back as well as a medium rare steak. A well done steak just doesn't cut it for me.

Movement?  Oh ya the baby is moving like crazy.

Food Cravings? I really haven't had any cravings this past week, which actually really surprises me.

Anything make you sick/queasy? Not this week, which surprises me as well. 

Started Showing Yet? Oh ya!

Gender? We'll find out on the 29th of October.

Symptoms? I've still had a little bit of nausea and a few headaches. But other than that I feel pretty normal, which is wonderful!

Labor Pains? Nope!

Belly Button in or Out: Half in half out

Wedding Ring on or off? On

Happy or Moody? I felt pretty normal this week and happy!

Looking forward to?  Finding out the gender.

I had a doctors appointment on Tuesday the 15th. The doctor said everything is looking great. When she listened to the baby, he/she showed off a little and then decided that he/she was done and moved away. It took the doctor a few minutes to find the baby again and his/her heart was beating at around 150. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 16!

So I know this is a little late and I'm technically almost 17 weeks but I'm going to post it anyway.  

This week the baby is the size of an onion measuring in at about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces. (These are rough estimates). The baby's bone are starting to form into hard bone instead of the soft cartilage that he/she currently has. The baby is also starting to gain some weight almost doubling in the past week. 

How far along: 16 weeks

Baby is the size of: an avocado

Total Weight gain: I haven't gained anything over the past week so I'm still at about 5 pounds since the beginning of the pregnancy.

Maternity Clothes: All of my pants are officially starting to get a little to tight so I did a little shopping this last weekend.  I'm super excited because I'm a pretty picky shopper and don't enjoy it much but I found a pair of maternity jeans, two long sleeve shirts, and a maternity Cami at Kohls. The part that made me most excited was that my mom let me use her 30% off coupon and only paid $40 for everything. That completely made my week. 

Stretch Marks? No new ones

Sleep? Slept much better this week. We had a busy weekend so that helped me sleep, I think. 

Best Moment this week? Well I had two: The first one was that I got to see my family. It had been nearly two months and they drove up to see us.  The second was that I started to feel the baby. It's super exciting and can't wait until I feel the baby more and more. 

Miss anything? I know it's not very healthy in the first place but this week I had a craving for cookie dough.  So I'm kinda missing that at the current moment. 

Movement? I did feel the baby this week. Almost everyday but I'm not completely sure of course. I know I felt him/her last Monday and Tuesday but I'm keeping track just to make sure. This was about the time I felt my son so I figured it would happen about the same time. 

Food Cravings? I had a huge craving this week for Chinese specifically crab ragoons. The place that we love makes the best crab ragoons that are mostly cream cheese. When I got them I ate all mine and then proceeded to watch my husband eat his hoping he would give me one. No such luck.  :) 

Anything make you queasy or sick?  My son loves hot dogs and I'm having trouble cutting them up since they make me queasy. Also anything fried... driving by a fast food restaurant is really hard.

Have you started showing yet? Oh Yes!

Gender? We'll find out at the end of October but I have a feeling its a girl. ( I also have a poll on the blog so please let me know what you think its going to be) 

Symptoms?  I'm still having a little bit of nausea but that is getting much better. I'm also having a little bit of lower back pain. But I've gotten most of motivation back which my husband is pretty excited about. 

Labor signs? Nope! 

Belly Button in or out? Still half and half

Wedding ring on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? This week I feel like I was pretty happy but I'm sure my husband would tell you different. HaHa!

Looking forward to? I'm looking forward to feeling the baby more and finding out if we are having another boy or a little girl.  I also have another appointment tomorrow so I'm excited to get to hear baby's heartbeat.  

This weekend was super busy with my family coming up to visit. We had such a great time tho. We went to a pumpkin patch and granite it was super super cold, Kohlton got his first pony ride. He was a little scared at first but got used to it.  I think my favorite part was when we were looking at the other animals and all the sudden he sees the ponies. He starts running to them screaming "Cow, Cow"... haha it was the cutest thing ever.

Kohlton going on his first pony ride

Kohlton also loved pushing around his little wheelbarrow adding what ever he could get his hands on.
I hope you all had a great week and have a great coming week. Thanks for reading my blog!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 15!

     We are so excited for Baby Schwebach #2 to get here.  I know I'm very ready to find out if we are having a boy or a girl.  If we have a boy most of the things that we had for Kohlton will work but if we have a girl we have absolutely nothing. Well I wouldn't say nothing we have the most of the big things except a car seat which we are going to purchase towards the end of the pregnancy.  We don't want to have to deal with it sitting in our apartment, we want to put it straight in the car! Here is a little summary of week 15:) 

How far along: 15 Weeks!

Total Weight Gain/loss: I've gained about 5 pounds ish..

Maternity Clothes?  Most of my clothes are still fitting but a few things I have had to         switch to maternity.

Stretch marks? I don't have any so far and I'm doing everything I can to prevent them.
Sleep? I'm up quite a bit and pretty uncomfortable since I'm not a side sleeper. 

Best Moment of the week? I'm starting to really show

Miss Anything? I'm really missing sleeping on my stomach. 

Movement? I don't think I've felt him or her yet, but I'm pretty preoccupied with a toddler running around. So I know I'm not paying attention as much as with my son's pregnancy. 

Food Cravings: I really like pizza and pasta same as my last pregnancy. I also crave a lot of my husband's cooking. 

Anything that makes you sick: EGGS! I can't stand anything about eggs right now, which makes Chris very upset since he loves eggs. I also get sick from the smell of tater tots. 

Started showing yet? Yes! I'm showing much faster than last pregnancy. 

Gender? We don't know yet. We find out at the end of October

Labor signs: Nope

Belly Button In or Out? Half and Half. LOL 

Wedding ring on or off?  On

Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm pretty moody most of the time. Chris is ready for that to be over for sure. 

What are you looking forward to? Feeling the baby move! 

This week baby is about the size of an Avocado and is starting to hear our voices. During this next week the baby is going to double in size.  So far this pregnancy has been much different than Kohlton's was. I'm much more moody and have nausea much much worse than with the last pregnancy. This is the baby at 9 weeks 6 days. After we had the ultrasound, Kohlton laid on the table and pulled up his shirt because he wanted the lady to look at his tummy. :)


Now as for Kohlton he is almost two yeasr old and a quarter already.  He has grown up tremendously over the past few months. He absolutely loves to play outside but then again what child doesn't. He loves animals and bugs. He has done a lot of helping over the past few months. He always has to help Chris take out the garbage, he opens the doors for Chris when he leaves for work, and most recently he has to help untie Daddy's shoes. He has also made the big move to a big boy bed as in a full size bed because Chris and I got a new one. He has been in the bed for about a month and is awesome about it. He always waits until we come into his room to get him. He never gets out of bed without us.

Kohlton is obsessed with trains. We live in a town with lots of trains and every time we see one he completely freaks out and is screaming train at the top of his lungs. He also loves Joe (Curious George) and Mickey and the gang. 

Kohlton is constantly talking now and does a very good job communicating what he wants or needs. He knows all of his body parts and animals. We are working on counting but we get to three and tend to go back to one. He is also saying people's names and does a very good job of saying them on the first try. 

 Kohlton is a very busy little boy and is so funny.  He is quite the little character and he can't wait to meet baby.