Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dropping a Quick Post!

Well I'm going to give a quick summary of our week, not going in too big of depth since I'm trying to get everything ready for Kohlton's surgery tomorrow..

Well I was 32 weeks this last week and everything is going great! My blood sugars have been pretty good I've only gone over 2 times in 7 days testing 3 times a day. So they are getting better. I've figured out that if I work out a little bit after eating that helps too. I think I'm going to start walking stairs in our apartment building since I can do that with Kohlton.  I've still been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, I had quite a few this morning with all the walking around I did at the grocery store. As for Kohlton's surgery I'm making sure I'm getting everything done so that we can have lots of mommy/kohlton time in the next few days filled with hopefully not a lot of pain and lots of mess free fun!

As for Kohtlon:  Surgery on his trigger finger (well trigger thumb) is tomorrow morning. We have to be there at 7. Its a super fast surgery and surprisingly I'm pretty calm right now. I have to make sure I stay as calm as possible and stress free for both me and the baby.  I do find myself stress eating tho, which with diabetes is pretty hard since I can't eat what ever I want when ever I want.  Anyway back to Kohlton. They are going to make a super small incision on his hand just below his thumb which will then be either sown back together or glued I'm not quite sure what the doctor is feeling to do.  I've stocked up on easy to eat foods, fun games that are mess free, and lots of mommy time. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as he has surgery and as he recovers.

I'll post a more in depth post after a few days of recovery :)  Plus more updates on the baby fun!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 31 January 15-21

Well, its that time of the week again and I'm actually getting time to sit down to quickly write this :)

Baby girl is about 16 inches long and around 3.33 pounds.  All of her five senses are in working order and her eyes are now sensitive to light. She is also going through some major brain and nerve development.

How Far Along? 31 weeks! Only 9 weeks or less to go!!! 

Baby's Size: Pineapple

Total Weight Gain: 20 pounds! I didn't gain anything over the last two weeks, which mean I've only gained 2 pounds since December 17.

Maternity Clothes: Yes everything!

Stretch marks: Starting to get more on my legs.

Sleep: I'm still getting up every couple of hours to go to the restroom and once baby girl is awake and moving I'm also awake. A few mornings ago she decided to get up when Chris left at 4:45 in the morning. Not cool when Kohlton doesn't normally wake up until at least 8:15 at the earliest.

Best Moment this week! I had my appointment yesterday and everything was looking great! Kohlton go to come with me this time and he got to hear baby's heartbeat.  He understood that we were at the doctor to check on the baby because we were in the middle of the appointment he tries to lift my shirt and says I see baby:) It was super cute.

Miss Anything? This week its not food but I'm missing my normal body. I'm really missing getting on the floor and playing with Kohlton or even the simple task of cuddling with him in bed and then getting out of bed.

Movements: Always! I'm feeling her hiccups now too... such a funny feeling... I believe she is head down because I feel her hiccups in my butt. lol. I can't help but laugh when she gets them.

Cravings: Mexican sounds really good to me right now. The only problem is that most things have a ton of carbs in them so I have to stay away from it. Which is very depressing.

Sick: The only time I feel sick is when my blood sugar is to high.

Labor Pains: I'm still having Braxton Hicks contractions still. If I move around to much or do to much then I'm exhausted the entire next day.

Symptoms? There is a lot that is getting harder to do.  Sadly I think I'm going to have to give up my evening baths. Its harder to get out of the tub plus my skin is so dry that I can't seem to keep up with it. I stocked up at Bath and Body Works a few weeks ago so now I get to put that all to good use.

Belly Button In or Out? Out! Chris makes fun of me all the time! He keeps saying "Babe, You're turkey is done! " Love him still tho.

Wedding Ring on or off? Still off because its at the jewelers.

Happy or Moody? Mostly happy I think! Moody at times of course. What pregnant woman doesn't!

Looking Forward to? Getting this next week over! My 2 1/2 year old son is having surgery next Wednesday so I'm ready for the stress of that to be over and him to be okay. But in the mean time I'm going to enjoy my energetic, loving, naughtily cute, little boy.

Summary of this week:

Getting ready for baby girl:
    This week I got all of her clothes washed and put into tubs so that they stay clean. I'm also in the process of packing my books and things in order to make room for her in our room.  We are also going to transform my big bookshelf into a dresser type thing that I found on pinterest. I've also started getting our bags packed for when that day comes.

  I also had my 32 week appointment yesterday. I've been really frustrated with my gestational diabetes this time around. I talked to my doctor and they aren't going to put me on medicine or anything just yet because she think my blood sugar will be too low then and I'll feel horrible. So that's good, it give me another 2 weeks to try to figure out what this is all about and why my sugars spike. My next appointment is on Feb. 4.  She also told me that we'll do an ultrasound at my 36 week appointment to make sure she isn't getting to big. If she is getting a little big she will put me on medicine and probably induce me around 39 weeks.  We'll see what happens.

     Well Kohlton has been a rather difficult little boy this week. He is hitting his 2 year old attitude. He is also the king of pouting  which isn't good because with my soft heart with this pregnancy.. I cave half the time. (Which I know isn't good)  We talked to the surgery center on Monday and got more information about Kohlton's upcoming left thumb trigger finger release surgery.  We ask for lots of prayer for Kohlton has he has to go through this and prayers for us as we have to sit in the waiting room:(  We have to be there at 7:00 am on Wednesday the 29th.  Also pray for the us as we have to sit in the waiting room. I already find myself trying to keep busy so that I don't have to think about it. Pray for the recovery and that we can keep him "contained" as we are in the hospital as well as when we get home. Hoping he keeps the bandage on. The first few days I'm assuming will be very relaxed and a lot of movies and games will be played in trying to keep the bandage on as long as possible.

Thanks everyone for the prayers this week. I'll post either early next week or late due to the attention I'll have to give to Mr. Kohlton :) 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week 30 January 8-14

Only 10 Weeks to Go!!! :) YAY!!! 

Well Baby Girl is about 15.7 inches long and weighs around 3 pounds! Her eyesight is continuing to develop tho even when she is born she will only be able to see things a few inches from her face.

How far along? 30 weeks!

Size of Baby: a large cabbage

Total Weight gain: Still around 20 ish pounds (since I have gestational diabetes again with this pregnancy, it has really cut down on how much weight I'm gaining to help with how big the baby gets as well.)

Maternity Clothes: Yep, everything

Stretch marks? All of my first pregnancy stretch marks are starting to reappear:( Sad day!

Sleep? This week I haven't had any leg cramps which has helped a ton with my sleeping. I do find tho that by the morning my sides are killing me because I switch between my left and right sides to sleep.

Best Moment this week? Kohlton walks up to me and puts his hand on my bell and says "Feel Her!" I say "Sorry hunny she is sleeping" "Sleeping Why?" It was so cute! He then proceeded to say nigh nigh and gave my belly a big hug!

Miss Anything? I don't think so.

Movement? Always! When do I not feel her is the real question!

Cravings? Popsicle! I found some that are only 4 carbs per popsicle! I'm completely head over heels in love with them.

Sick? Nope :)

Labor Pains: I think I've been having a few Braxton Hick Contractions! I know I say think because I don't remember having them with Kohlton's pregnancy. At first I thought she was just pushing super hard on me but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure they are Braxton Hicks!

Symptoms? I've been feeling pretty good! I'm just exhausted by the end of the day. I also find it hard to get up off the floor or even the couch!

Belly Button in or out? Out! Chris keeps making fun of me by saying my turkey is done:0 lol

Wedding Ring on or Off?  A little bit of both but currently off because its at the jewelers getting a good clean:)

Happy or Moody? Both!

Looking Forward to? having an appointment next week and getting ready for baby girl's arrival!

This weeks Summary:

Well we have had a very busy week!  On Tuesday evening Kohlton burned the end of his left thumb, which I'm so glad happened because it made me realize that we have an even bigger problem. Kohlton's left thumb doesn't go straight. At the top joint it just doesn't move after that. So I called the doctor Wednesday morning and we got in that afternoon. They said he had trigger finger and they couldn't do anything until he was a teenager and was done growing. But to be sure they sent us to a hand specialist. We had an appointment Thursday at 1 pm.  Turns out if they wait to correct it, Kohlton might lose full function in his thumb because the tendon will continue to tighten making his thumb nonfunctional.  So now my little baby has to have surgery! Its a super quick procedure where they just have to clip the tendon. But Kohlton will have to be under anesthesia.  We have the surgery scheduled for January 29th first thing in the morning!  Prayers are needed for our family! 

On a higher note: Chris and I got a date night! Monday night we went to Texas Roadhouse and enjoyed a delicious meal then we did a little shopping at Target. I wanted to do some walking to make me feel better!  Chris's boss and his wife were so nice to watch Kohlton for a couple hours!  Tuesday: We went to the mall to do some more walking but walking at the mall gets me in trouble at the same time. I found a cute little dress for baby girl:) oh well.

I'm pretty proud of myself to get this up so quickly since today is the first day of my 31st week! Only 9 more weeks to go :)  YAY!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 27-29!

Baby Girl is about 2 1/2 pounds in weight and 15 inches long from head to toes. Baby Girls muscles and lungs are maturing and her head is growing bigger to hold that very important developing brain.

How Far Along? 27-29 weeks

Size of Baby: at about 29 weeks is the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight gain: around 20 pounds ( I gained only 2 pounds in the last week)

Maternity Clothes: Yep everything I'm wearing is maternity.

Stretch Marks: I'm starting to get a few on my sides. I had them with Kohlton's pregnancy but they are starting to reappear again.

Sleep: Its getting more and more difficult, between getting up to use the restroom all the time, getting uncomfortable, and getting my horrible leg cramps, I don't sleep for more than an hour or two.

Best moment these few weeks? We got to go spend some time with my family in Leighton, where we got to celebrate Christmas, see a few friends, and we went sledding (well Kohlton went sledding)

Miss Anything? I miss pretty much everything. I really have to watch what I eat now.

Movement? All the time, most of the time its to the point where I have to push her back in.  Kohlton also asks a lot to feel her. He says "Feel Her"

Cravings? My biggest craving I had was for a burger and when I got it, it was the most amazing burger I've ever had in my whole life.

Sick: Nope!

Labor Pains: Nope!

Symptoms? I'm having tons of leg cramps in the middle of the night. I also feel huge. I'm officially up to my weight I was with Kohlton just before I had him.  I'm also carrying her much lower so I know I have a waddle and sometimes I forget I have a bigger belly so i tend to bump into things more often.  I get uncomfortable very quickly and I'm getting a lot of dry skin.

Belly Button In or Out? Out

Wedding Ring On or Off? Off: I have to wear it on my necklace.

Happy or Moody? Both!

Looking forward to: Getting the apartment ready for baby girl. Also I'm looking forward to enjoying extra quality time with Chris and Kohlton.

Summary of the past few weeks:

We got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas just the three of us this year! It was really nice to sit  around and be lazy for a day just as a family. We spent the day watching tv and playing with Kohlton. At night we watched Turbo and ate popcorn.

I also had my 2nd glucose test where sadly I didn't pass again, but the bright side was that I made it completely through the 3 hours with out have to get sick. I went to a diabetes meeting just to freshen up on the information and then got started. This time around has been much harder than it was with Kohlton's pregnancy. I have to watch what carbs I eat even more closely than I did with Kohlton. Its been making me quite frustrated with trying to figure out what foods are going to spike my blood sugar and what foods won't. I've figured out that I can't eat the same breakfast every morning, after about  mornings that food will spike my sugar.

So Chris took vacation from January 1-5 to spend Christmas with my family in Leighton. Little did we know that he would have a few days off before that.  We think Chris got food poisoning on Monday and was sick all day Tuesday. He finally felt a little better Tuesday night but didn't get his full appetite back until Sunday.

We spent the January 1-5 in Pella. Wednesday we had our annual New Years Day Party and had a blast.  Thursday we went out to eat at Checkerboard with a few friends from Indianola that we hadn't seen in awhile. Friday was a big day for me. I went out with my friend Heather to Des Moines to do a little shopping and have a mommy morning out. It was so much fun to spend time with her. Then I got home just in time to leave to go see my sister's school.  I know that she may be only 3 years younger than me but seeing her classroom made me even more aware that she is a grown up. Haha.  Saturday we spent the day with my family. We woke up and had our Christmas.  Kohlton was spoiled rotten. He got some tractors, clothes, books, a curious George and Thomas pillow cases (that Lexi made for him), Markers, matching game, and last but not least he got a toy vacuum. He played with it all the rest of the day.  We also went sledding. Well grandpa, aunt Carley, and Kohlton went sledding behind the 4-wheeler. Kohlton had a great time and was sad when he had to come inside but that didn't last long because he had a cool tractor and vacuum to play with. lol. 

Then I had my 30 week baby appointment yesterday and everything looked great!  I only gained 2 pounds over the last 3 weeks and baby was moving like crazy. lol

Now that the holidays are over I'll be able to keep this more updated :)
Opening Presents from Mommy and Daddy

Chris and Kohlton played video games while I read my book

Opening presents at Grandma and Grandpas

Kohlton had on so many layers that he could barely move. It was so funny!

Had a great time sledding with Auntie Carley