Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Dropping a Quick Post!

Well I'm going to give a quick summary of our week, not going in too big of depth since I'm trying to get everything ready for Kohlton's surgery tomorrow..

Well I was 32 weeks this last week and everything is going great! My blood sugars have been pretty good I've only gone over 2 times in 7 days testing 3 times a day. So they are getting better. I've figured out that if I work out a little bit after eating that helps too. I think I'm going to start walking stairs in our apartment building since I can do that with Kohlton.  I've still been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions, I had quite a few this morning with all the walking around I did at the grocery store. As for Kohlton's surgery I'm making sure I'm getting everything done so that we can have lots of mommy/kohlton time in the next few days filled with hopefully not a lot of pain and lots of mess free fun!

As for Kohtlon:  Surgery on his trigger finger (well trigger thumb) is tomorrow morning. We have to be there at 7. Its a super fast surgery and surprisingly I'm pretty calm right now. I have to make sure I stay as calm as possible and stress free for both me and the baby.  I do find myself stress eating tho, which with diabetes is pretty hard since I can't eat what ever I want when ever I want.  Anyway back to Kohlton. They are going to make a super small incision on his hand just below his thumb which will then be either sown back together or glued I'm not quite sure what the doctor is feeling to do.  I've stocked up on easy to eat foods, fun games that are mess free, and lots of mommy time. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as he has surgery and as he recovers.

I'll post a more in depth post after a few days of recovery :)  Plus more updates on the baby fun!

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